you are family and I want to help > I am payING it forward
8 rules of life > this works for me
1. Make peace with your past so it wont screw up your present
2. What others think of you is none of your business > includes friends & family 3. Time heals almost everything > stay your course 4. Don't compare your life to others and don't judge them > it's pointless 5. Stop thinking too much, its OK not to have all the answers 6. No one is in charge of your happiness, except you 7. Smile, you don't own the problems in the world 8. Do unto others what you want others to do to you . does not matter if they did nothing to help you in the past . forgive and move on. Vertical Divider
Recent success story
In early 2020 we helped my brother Sarel by training and educating him to understand how his business functions in the new digital era. Sarel is in the Building Industry. He learned a ton of new things (through my coaching program) such as how to handle finances, how to handle debt, why not to make bad debt, how to setup and manage customer support, how to use new technology and how to streamline processes within his business and personal life. We helped Sarel to identify his customer audience, reviewed the operational tools he may need to run a proper business, vehicles & transportation needed, looked at technology and then created a dedicated plan of action and went to work implementing the plan so we could grow his business and generate income. To make a long story short: > Sarel is now debt free, no mortgage debt > We bought him a new truck, new tools, installed an industrial canopy with signwriting > My team built a dedicated website for him landmanbuilders > My team created a Facebook page Landman Builders Facebook Today, Sarel is fast becoming one of the top builders in Bloemfontein within the shortest period of time and we see him succeeding and growing. There is a lot more to this story but whatever your needs are, feel free to have a chat and lets see if we can help you. I have been blessed financially and there is no obligation and I request nothing in return. Marius |